Hosted services are services provided over the Internet for a monthly fee as opposed to investing in the technologies and supporting them yourself.  While we can sell and install Microsoft Exchange server for a business, it is more economical to pay a monthly fee per mailbox to a hosting provider.  They take care of setting up a mail server and maintaining it.  They also provide extensive on-boarding and support.

We provide Hosted Microsoft Exchange unlimited capacity mailboxes for business clients with a private e-mail domain.

We also offer Microsoft Office 365 plans with Exchange, supported through AppRiver or Intermedia.

For clients who prefer a robust anti-spam host to protect their local Exchange mail server or hosted mailboxes, we offer SolarWinds MaxMail Hosted Anti-Spam.

In mid-2017 we expect to introduce hosted servers for businesses who no longer want to invest in a local server they have to support, update, and protect.  Hosted servers are virtualized (simulated) so businesses can spin them up with just the resources they need and delete them when the server is no longer needed.

We are partners with Webroot for distribution of Webroot SecureAnywhere, a Cloud-managed anti-malware tool that is highly effective against ransomware and provides effective protection with minimal performance impact on client computers.